Monday, March 7, 2011

4. Linkin Park

I wanna runaway, never say goodbye...
Now, bring up Linkin Park around me, and I will probably give a little scream and force you to discuss their greatness for hours. My family is, for lack of a better word, obsessed. My mom and 12 year old brother rap Mike's lines while I belt out Chester's lyrics. And then we switch.
Okay, Hybrid Theory anyone? That CD is genius, absolutely genius. Everything about it continues to amaze me. Meteora was just like another amped up version of Hybrid Theory, so of course I loved it.
I don't think it was until I bought Live In Texas when I was in 3rd grade that I began to really appreciate live music. Best live album to date, and I will argue with anyone over that.
Right about when Minutes to Midnight was released, they started experimenting, doing stuff that most hardcore LP fans were weirded out with. It seemed like every song they released went right onto the Top 40 stations and no one had any idea what to do about it. I think people love Linkin Park becuase they're different. You can always tell a Linkin Park song when you hear it.
I have to admit I haven't been the best fan lately, and I think part of that is due to the fact that their new stuff is well...I don't even know how to put it. I'm trying my best to adapt to their new sound, because I love them to much to give up on them. I mean they practically raised me. I've had a lot of talks with other LP fans about the new stuff, and I think that even though it's different, and we don't like change, it's good that they're trying new things., Maybe. Or I'm just stubborn because I think they need to make a Hybrid Theory 2.0. And I'm sure I have a million people with me on that one. Because they just rock so much. Soooo much.

Songs you have to listen to:
-Wretches and Kings
-Hands Held High
-Breaking the Habit
-One Step Closer

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